I. for Gustav Mahler
Not content to just
reach the summit—No. I want
to stay—Abide there.
“Auferstehn…” Perhaps.
But this much we know: hearts beat
race, deceive, and die.
II. for Gérard de Nerval
Your Daughters of Fire
flicker through the planispheres
tongues of brazen light
Mais ne ce pas possible
Your songs bleed nectar
Artemis! Horus!
Delfica! Return and save
the world from Stupid
III. for Richard Wagner
1. Liebestod (Tristan & Isolde)
As night waxes to
dissolution one glimpses
“do you hear the sound?”
a warm planetary voice
intones. Yes. I come.
2. The Valkyrie (original release & special edition)
Farewell. Lebwohl. Good- | Thanks a lot, Wotan.
bye. For now, radiant one. | You’re such a great Dad. Really,
A ring of fire yet | We should all bow down.
To encircle your | Oh wait. You just made
Valor. The least my honor | Us do that. And now I’m shamed
affords you this hour. | In front of them all.
Your insatiable | A “ring of fire”? This
desire will yet awaken | is just one of your schemes, right?
a hero in time. | Say I’ll wake up fine
You do not vainly | I require no hero
sleep dreaming of redemption. | I will not yield my pulse-blood
Resurrection waits. | I need no saving
These haiku make up my poem for Day 28 of the Tupelo Press 30/30 Project. Click here to support my work and the work of a great, independent, small press and fellow non-profit.
After hesitating, I decided to omit the third section of Wagner haiku, "Siegfried." I trust I haven't cut
off a nose and smote a face... Click here to read it at Tupelo. Please let me know what you think, and thanks for reading.